Intensive care unit (ICU)

Module description
Module set in a general ICU. The general aim is for participants to attend, examine, stabilise and treat a critical patient. 3 types of patient have been designed (young woman, young man, elderly man) with options for creating numerous clinical situations.
Participants can order imaging tests (chest X-rays), lab tests (bloods, blood gas) and electrocardiograms, and conduct a full physical examination, indicating advanced techniques, such as intubation and ventilation (non-invasive and invasive) and inserting venous access.
The scenario provides:
- Multiparametric vital-sign monitoring.
- Ventilator with different advanced mechanical ventilation modes.
- Bispectral Index Monitor for monitoring degree of sedation.
- Cardiopulmonary support system. ECMO.
- Continual renal replacement therapy system: Haemofiltration with different treatment options (CVVH, CVVHD, CVVHDF, TPE).
Comprehensive information:
- Participants communicate with each other and with the patient using real-time voice-chat.
- Avatars available: 4 adults, 3 paediatric and 2 neonatal.
- Different libraries are available: Laboratory tests, image tests, electrocardiograms, etc.
- Possibility of different roles: Simulation facilitator, participant, observer.
- Possibility of interactions with patients and different medical devices.
- Possibility of dynamic physiology of the patient in response to the treatment and the different actions of the participants.
- Possibility of generating multiple cases and sessions simultaneously.
Important information:
In order to participate in a training session,keys acces are necessary.
If you are professional , request them through the Intranet.
If you are part of the external staff and you want more information, contact us