Patient Safety

Module description
This module can be self-administered. It puts into practice different safety indicators and clinical practices in a patient’s clinical process, from hospital admission to discharge.
This module permits work on:
- 6 different scenarios.
- Interaction of the avatar with the scenario.
- Interaction with safety indicators.
- Unique patient identification.
- The 5 WHO hand hygiene moments.
- Information transfer by SBAR methodology.
- Operating theatre safety scenario (check-list)
- Safe transfusion practice.
- Correct drug administration.
Comprehensive information:
- Participants communicate with each other and with the patient using real-time voice-chat.
- Avatars available: 4 adults, 3 paediatric and 2 neonatal.
- Different libraries are available: Laboratory tests, image tests, electrocardiograms, etc.
- Possibility of different roles: Simulation facilitator, participant, observer.
- Possibility of interactions with patients and different medical devices.
- Possibility of dynamic physiology of the patient in response to the treatment and the different actions of the participants.
- Possibility of generating multiple cases and sessions simultaneously.
Individual user
Important information:
In order to participate in a training session,keys acces are necessary.
If you are professional , request them through the Intranet.
If you are part of the external staff and you want more information, contact us